twtpoll :: Timmy needs to know: What geeky tv show/movie are you looking forward to this fall? (You can write-in vote in the comments.) (via @thinkgee

muchas de la opciones son de ciencia ficción / otras de fanáticos de la ciencia ficcion (como en el caso de los "Mythbuster" a través de @donttrythis me llego el dato - este fin de semana se disfrazó de wookie para pasar de incógnito)
twtpoll :: Timmy needs to know: What geeky tv show/movie are you looking forward to this fall? (You can write-in vote in the comments.) (via @thinkgeek): "Timmy needs to know: What geeky tv show/movie are you looking forward to this fall? (You can write-in vote in the comments.)
By @thinkgeek | Twtpoll created less than 2 days ago"
